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Red Scarf Project-Halifax

We won’t spin your yarn – The Red Scarf Project is back! 
Designed to raise awareness of World AIDS Day and the current realities of HIV in Nova Scotia, we will once again be hanging red scarves on the fences around the Public Gardens to be taken by any who need them. 
Given the success of our first three years, we’re bringing the project back, and we’re hoping to make it even bigger. We had over 150 scarves bearing educational messages on display in 2021, over 220 scarves in 2022, and over 300 scarves last year! Just like last year, we will tie hand-made scarves to mark December 1st - World AIDS Day. Scarves need to be: 1) red :-) and 2) at least 5 ft long by 6 inches wide. 
We are recruiting knitters now for this year's iteration. If you are interested in knitting for the event, are hoping to drop off finished scarves, or want to know more about the Red Scarf Project, contact our Red Scarf Project lead Jamie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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