Are you ... a Nova Scotian of any gender
who identifies and/or presents as a queer man
Want to be a healthy, sex-savvy trendsetter?
Passionate about your community
... and your own sexual health?
Welcome to ...
for those aged 18 or older!
I am interested in Totally OUTright, how do I apply?
Fill out our online application form, If you have a problem with the form option This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone or text 782-774-8175.
What is Totally OUTright?
Totally OUTright in NS is a FREE 5-day sexual health leadership retreat. During the retreat, participants will explore queer sexual and mental health topics. This year's program theme is queer expression through art.
What happens at Totally OUTright?
Participants will listen to talks from local sexual and mental health leaders. They will participate in discussions, workshops, and a group project.
Who is Totally OUTright for?
Totally OUTright in NS is for two-spirit, gay, bi, non-binary, gender-fluid, gender-queer, trans and queer folks who are 18 years of age or older, however folks between the ages of 18-29 will be prioritized. This includes Nova Scotians of any gender who identify and/or present as queer men, those from all backgrounds and identities, and those living with HIV.
When & where does Totally OUTright take place?
The next Totally OUTright in NS will take place in Halifax May 4-8, 2024.
Is there a cost for Totally OUTright?
Totally OUTright in NS is provided to participants completely FREE of charge. For those traveling from outside Halifax ALL accomodation, meal and travel expenses relating attending are covered
Who is behind Totally OUTright?
Totally OUTright was created originally for young Gay men by the Vancouver-based Community Based Research Centre for Gay Men's Health (CBRC) and has been implemented and/or adapted by a number of organizations across Canada including: Health Initiative for Men (HIM, Vancouver), ACT (Toronto), the Rainbow Resource Centre (Winnipeg), Calgary Sexual Health Centre, the AIDS Committee of Ottawa, and the Peel HIV/AIDS Network.
I am interested in Totally OUTright, how do I apply?
Fill out our online application form, If you have a problem with the form option This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone or text 782-774-8175.
Totally OUTright in NS (2023, and 2024) is made possible in Nova Scotia through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). The views expressed in this program do not necessarily reflect the views of PHAC.
Additional 2020-2021 program funding provided by the following Community Health Board Development funds: the Chebucto West Community Health Board, the Dartmouth Community Health Board, and the Halifax Community Health Board.
Additional 2019-2020 program funding provided by the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services Sexual Violence Strategy.
Additional 2018-2019 program funding provided by the following Community Health Board Development funds: the Chebucto West Community Health Board, the Dartmouth Community Health Board, and the Halifax Community Health Board.
Funding for the February 2017 pilot of this program was provided by the M.A.C AIDS Fund, the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services Sexual Violence Strategy, and the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia.
We would like to thank the CBRC, the Rainbow Resource Centre, and the AIDS Committee of Ottawa for their support and assistance in developing our pilot offering of Totally OUTright in Nova Scotia.
Our Peer N Peer Pilot is Now Closed
We're are leaving this web content up for information purposes.
If you have questions please contact Hanly @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 782-234-5472 (phone/text).
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What is Peer N Peer?
Peer N Peer is a peer-led queer substance use and sexual health program.
Rooted in harm reduction principles, the Peer N Peer project meets people where they are at on their substance use and sexual journeys.
The Peer N Peer team is here to support 2SLGBTQIA+ people in using substances more safely, improving their sex life, changing how substances affect their sex life, and reducing or abstaining from substance use if that’s their goal. The Peer N Peer team is here to help with whatever goals individuals may have around sexual health and substance use.
Supports and services offered by the Peer N Peer team include:
Harm Reduction Supplies offered by the Peer N Peer Project include:
We also offer sharps disposal.
Supplies can be delivered via Canada Post if you are unable to come into the project office. The Peer N Peer office is located at 5516 Spring Garden Road, Suite 203, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
The Peer N Peer program is funded by Health Canada's Substance Use and Addictions Program through national program partner, Vancouver-based CBRC.
Info & Resources
Having trouble accessing these resources? Try a new browser, or clear your cookies. If you have technical questions - or want a downloadable copy - contact XXXXXXX
Addictions Resources For The 2SLGBTQIA+ Community
How To Access Hormone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone Therapy Information
ACNS was overdue for a refresh...
Consultations Completed!
Thanks to all who participated in our Community Consultations, and supported our planned changes at the Annual General Meeeting special resolution vote...
Watch out for our rebranding launch to come in Spring 2024!
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FROM FALL 2022 - SUMMER 2023 ...
If you would like to be part of the ACNS community consultation process, please email Chris at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and put “Community Consultation” in the subject line. We will email the Zoom consultation details to all who expressed interest.
The proposal that ACNS will be seeking feedback on is:
“to expand our mandate to address broader sexual health, mental health and substance use issues – and to do so for all 2SLGBTQIA+ Nova Scotians”. This is the possible future that we wish to work towards. This is the proposal we now wish to present to our existing clients and HIV priority populations, as well as to the broader 2SLGBTQIA+ communities in Nova Scotia.
First off, we want to be clear that we are not planning on giving up any of the HIV support and prevention programs and services we currently offer. ACNS will continue to address HIV issues for all impacted populations in Nova Scotia. However, to survive (or even thrive!) to be able to offer those HIV-specific services we need a broader foundation. Also, we’ve long been aware of the obvious overlaps and synergies between HIV work and broader 2SLGBTQIA+ health work.
HIV-specific funding – at both the provincial and federal level – continues to shrink each and every year! In addition, fund-raising for all charities has continued to get more and more challenging as the fundraising landscape gets increasingly crowded and competitive (and that was before COVID-19).
Back in 2018-2019 the ACNS staff and Board of Directors had gone through a detailed strategic planning process to assess the direction of the organization in both the short-and-long-term. We looked at the work we have been doing, the work we want to be doing, the challenges and opportunities that new developments in HIV treatment and prevention have presented, and we especially looked at the challenges and opportunities that changes in funding for programs have presented.
Out of that strategic planning process, new ideas and directions emerged that we need to discuss with our clients, and the populations we already serve... and the populations we may be adding to our service!
To finalize this process we were planning on doing consultations across Nova Scotia in the spring of 2020. COVID-19 interrupted that process. This spring we're back on track - offering Zoom consultation sessions. If Zoom does not work for you, let us know and we'll make alternative arrangements.
ACNS wants to hear your thoughts and input on our proposal, and we’re hoping to have in-depth discussions about how we can best serve our communities moving forward. Our community consultations will include an HIV+ client focus groups, and broader 2SLGBTQIA+ consultations.
If you would like to be part of this consultation process, please email Chris at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and put “Community Consultation” in the subject line.
This campaign was originally developed by the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia to fit with the 2018 UNAIDS World AIDS Day theme of “Know Your Status” and highlights the importance of effective testing.
In the past several years there have been a number of significant developments in HIV prevention leading to a more complete and nuanced understanding of the variables impacting HIV transmission. The Five Facts awareness campaign is about making those variables better known to the general public, so people can make better-informed decisions about their sexual health. Please feel free print copies of these posters, share them over social media and use them in your organizations, places of work, etc. Tell us about it and give us your feedback : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
AIDS Awareness Campaign 2015/16: Together we can stop HIV stigma
This campaign was developed by the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia, in partnership with the Northern Healthy Connection Society (formerly the Northern AIDS Connection Society), the Ally Centre of Cape Breton, Healing Our Nations, the Positive Women’s Network, the Gender and Health Promotion Studies Unit at Dalhousie University, and the Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS, in the fall 2015. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about the stigma people living with HIV face, as well as to raise awareness about HIV testing and risk.
To get copies of this campaigns materials please contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..