livingwithhiv Living with HIV

Newly Diagnosed

We can guess that you have clicked on this link for one of two reasons:

  1. You are currently waiting for HIV test results; or
  2. You have recently tested positive for HIV.

For many, this period can be stressful, and sometimes lonely if you feel you have no one to talk to. It’s important to have people to talk to about what you are going through. 

You are not alone, many people living with HIV (PLHA) have talked about the struggle when first diagnosed that was related to their fears of being judged and stigmatized. PLHAs commonly talk about how their own personal feelings impacted their ability to reach out. We know that there is a lot of misinformation “out there” and that we still have work to do in the area of removing the stigma that is associated with HIV.

We want you to know that you are NOT alone, and we can help you explore how to build social supports that will work for you. You can call us anytime between 10am to 4pm weekdays. If you leave a message, let us know if we can call you back and what we should say if we do call back. Our phone number shows up as “unlisted” so no one where you live knows it’s us.  Contact us by calling Chana Wielinga, Support Coordinator at 902-403-7169.  You can also email Chana at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We’re here to help and support you.

What we hear most from those newly diagnosed, or going through the testing process, is that they fear for their long-term health, their life is over and that they will never be the same. We can tell you that a HIV+ diagnosis is not the end – people are living full lives, living longer than ever before, are working, planning families and more. With the right treatment and planning, as with any other illness, you can do well. The first step is reaching out.

We will help you through the process by providing support, education and referrals – the things we know best. For those who are newly diagnosed and are looking for more information on what to do and how to live well with HIV, great information can be found at CATIE, below


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Starting Points is a great first step pamphlet originally from Toronto People with AIDS Foundation and later adapted by CATIE.

