livingwithhiv Living with HIV

Positive Women


Positive Women

The AIDS Coalition what to acknowledge the erasure of women from our history as it pertains to HIV activism. Despite often being at the front of many movements, women were left behind as progress was being made and support were being established, as they still are when we consider HIV/AIDS "a gay men's disease." We will continue to work to bring awareness to the importance of a history of HIV activism that includes women and work to support women at risk of and living with HIV.



The large majority of the work we already do is open to our female clients and our support programs for those living with HIV apply to any and all genders. Our support groups have historically been gendered in a binary fashion; though they are currently inactive, this is subject to further change. If you would like peer support, we encourage you to contact our support services coordinator, who can be found in the staff directory or below.

The needs of women living with HIV will always differ to from other genders. Whether this is due to physicality, experiences of misogyny or general life expectations, we are here to help in any way you need. There is a lot of great information for positive women that speaks to the specific issues you are facing. We have a number of resources that we would like to share, including some physical resources in our office and some online resources. We can also help connect you to women-centred resources and supports outside of ACNS. If you do not find what you are looking for, please let us know. We’ll try to find it for you.


Chana Wielinga
Support Coordinator
902-403-7169 (phone+text)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


symbol online (Resources from the Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative) (Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study)
*Some resources are available on this website, along with information about a women-centred HIV care model created as part of the CHIWOS study* ( - HIV/AIDS Resource Center for Women)

